To those who will read these words, know that they are not written with sadness but with the intention of leaving a message of life, love, and hope.
My existence has been dedicated to a principle I deeply believed in: the defense of those who cannot defend themselves. Being part of the forces of order is not just wearing a uniform; it is a calling to serve, protect, and, if necessary, sacrifice oneself to guarantee the rights and freedom of all, even in the darkest moments.
I do not deny having known fear. War, in all its forms, is an abyss that every human heart dreads. But what sustained me was the awareness that every step taken, every guard shift, every act of courage had a greater purpose: preserving the joy and serenity of those I love and those who might never even know my name.
I have lived far from my family, and this has been the heaviest burden to bear. To my mother, my earthly angel, who now faces illness with the same strength with which she raised me: Mom, know that every thought during the hardest days was directed to you. You have been my example and my refuge, and wherever I go, your love will be with me. Take care of yourself, and I know your heart will suggest using part of my belongings for a donation. Please, let it be for the victims of all present and future wars.
And to my loyal four-legged companion, who welcomed me every time with a wagging tail and eyes full of affection: I hope the strokes I gave you were enough to show you how much I loved you.
To those who remain, I want to say: do not let pain extinguish you. Live each day with gratitude. Respect others, embrace diversity, and build bridges where there seem to be walls. Be the smile that transforms a gloomy day, be the voice that comforts, be the heart that fights for what is right.
And finally, remember that there is no mission more important than loving life and others with all that you are.
With affection and faith in the future,
[My name here]