I, [Mother's Name], born on [Date of Birth] in [Place of Birth], residing at [Address], being in full possession of my mental faculties and acting of my own free will, hereby declare my wishes regarding the distribution of my estate after my passing.
Given that I am widowed and that the assets I own are the result of both my work and that of my late husband, I wish for them to remain within our family and be equally divided among our children.
Therefore, I name as my universal heirs, in equal parts, my children: **[Name of Eldest Child]**, [Names of Other Children].
To ensure the orderly management of the estate for the benefit of all, I appoint my eldest child, [Name of Eldest Child], to oversee the administration of all inherited assets until the other children are in a position to receive their respective shares without causing harm to the estate itself.
The eldest child shall manage the assets diligently and in the common interest, preserving their integrity and ensuring their profitability until the final distribution, which should take place as soon as possible while respecting the needs and capabilities of each heir.
In the event of any disagreement among the heirs regarding the management or distribution of the assets, I appoint **[Name of a Trusted Person or Notary]** as an arbitrator and mediator, ensuring that any disputes are resolved fairly and peacefully.
I hereby revoke any previous wills and last wishes.
Your's mom